Happy 2015!

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you're all having a wonderful time - going to parties, celebrating with family and friends, going on vacations (which I am jealous of if you are on vacation!). Last year has been a blast, blogging community-wise (though real life was an improvement over 2013). I got to meet new people (and read their fantastic work) who are passionate about movies, and have learned a great amount from them. I also got to accomplish some movie-related goals, like the Blind Spot series (my list for 2015 is up!), and participate in different kinds of blogathons that are both fun and challenging at the same time.

It has been two years ago since I made my blog resolutions, which focused on three things: consistency, establishing an actual rating system, and to watch more new movies. For the next two years, I think I've managed to have some posting consistency, have a rating system I like, and have watched more new movies (and the watch list just keeps getting longer and longer). While I’m going to continue with those resolutions, I’d like to add two more to my resolutions:

1. Have variety. While this is mainly a review blog, I've enjoyed participating in blogathons, writing my initial thoughts about trailers, dabbling on some television shows and such. I would like to branch out my blog content besides tackling on film review. I’m not certain if this is the direction my blog should be taking, but it’s an option I’d like to throw out there.
2. Continuously contribute to the blogging community. This is actually more of a personal thing because I am so bad at small talk. Like socially awkward bad - and that reflects through my commenting. So while I read a lot of the posts of bloggers I follow, I classify myself mostly as a silent reader. So I’d like to change that - contribute more to the community. 

Before I sum things up, I would like to say thank you to the readers of my blog, old and new. You've all gave me that little cheer, and your continuous work have also inspired me to further grow my own blog. I am certain that you have also inspired other bloggers, and I hope you continue doing so. 

2014 brought a lot of changes in my blogging life - from viewing a lot of new movies to meeting new people. Hopefully 2015 would also be so kind to me (and to you as well). I hope you have an amazing year (and weekend) ahead of you!


  1. Very lovely resolutions. I myself constantly wonder whether to push the variety bigger and wider but then I'm like, no, and then I have this constant battle with myself whether I should start a second blog or not. I do think the variety for film and TV bloggers is already very huge, as you have so much to grab onto and I think you have quite good content here in that sense. :)

    Oh, and also, happy new year!

    1. Thank you! I'm still not sure on the varitey direction myself, but I think I'd work on improving my blog's quality before taking on anything new. :)

  2. Happy New Year to you, too! Your Blind Spot list is looking great, by the way. ;) Your resolutions are wonderful, and your blog is too, I'm so happy that you're sharing with us!

    1. Thank you! Your blog is wonderful as well, looking forward to what you have in store for your blog this year!

  3. Can't wait to see where the year takes your blog!

  4. Very nice resolutions! Thanks for sharing your blog with us and hope it takes you to new heights this year. :D

    1. Thank you, and looking forward to what you have in store for your blog this year!
