Thursday Movie Picks: Summer Blockbusters

Thursday Movie Picks is hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves. For entries of other participants and themes for the year, head over to her site. This week's theme is about summer blockbusters. Blockbuster season usually starts around April and ends in July, with the year's flashiest and biggest movies are released. Here are my picks for the week.

Speed - This is one of my favorite Sandra Bullock movies. I don't care if the bus jump is impossible, but this was an awesome movie. 

Spider-man: Homecoming - While I don't think Marvel's numbers are going to go down anytime soon, Homecoming is a great addition to the canon. It does away with the origin story, introduces a great Peter Parker and just had fun with it. 

Spy - This needs a sequel, no questions asked. I would love to see Melissa McCarthy and Jason Statham work on another project. 


  1. You and I share a film in Spider-Man: Homecoming. I had a lot of fun watching the film as I just found it refreshing to be invested in the character as he's growing up and learning about what he has to do to become the superhero we know and love while not getting into things we've known about from other films.

    1. I think that's what makes Homecoming appealing for me, that it doesn't go back to the things we already know. Rebooting a franchise that hasn't been retired for long doesn't mean that you have to focus on the origin story but approach the property in a different way.

  2. I've seen all three of these. I like that you went with Spy, that's not one I would've thought of and I liked it so much more than I expected to.

    1. I wish it has a sequel, or at least a McCarthy-Hart-Statham team up again.

  3. I haven't seen this particular Spiderman but I love your other two choices.

    Speed is just a propulsive fun ride, I likewise am willing to ignore the lapses in logic for the overall enjoy of the whole thing.

    I really like Melissa McCarthy but not always her films but Spy is one of the best. Is it ridiculous and preposterous? You bet but than so are the Bond films that it spoofs. Melissa is very winning and Miranda Hart is a great Mutt to her Jeff. Jason Statham is obviously having a great time as well.

    Since there is usually one big blockbuster a year the pickings were plentiful. I chose three that I remember packing 'em in.

    Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)-This will be brief since I’m guessing there isn’t a soul who hasn’t seen this or doesn’t know the story. Opening with a throwback to the adventure of Saturday serials we meet Indiana Jones professor and treasure hunter. Learning that the Ark of the Covenant is at risk of falling into Nazi possession he sets out to get it into the safe hands of Uncle Sam instead. Along the way he meets up again with Marion Ravenwood, daughter of his old partner and a girl he done wrong, who in many ways is as tough as he is. High adventure follows. Just a flat out good time at the movies. Made a mint on release.

    Total Recall (1990)-In the not too distant future Douglas Quaid (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is suffering from troubling dreams about battles on Mars. His wife (Sharon Stone) is dismissive of them but when he continues to have them he turns to Rekall Inc. a company that sell a different kind of vacation, implanted memories. But something happens when the memory is being placed and he ends up on Mars in a fight for his life…or is he? Very violent and convoluted but involving. Even now technically impressive and along with The Terminator the film that really put Arnold on top for a long time. Cost a fortune to make, made a fortune in theatres.

    Grease (1978)-Well summer vacation is over and Danny Zuko (John Travolta) leader of the T-Birds is back from a trip to Australia where he met the demure Sandy Olsson (Olivia Newton-John) and had some Summer Lovin’. He’s back in his leather jacket and ready to pick up with his gang where he left off but surprise Sandy is a transfer student to his high school and now he’s torn between his image as a tough guy and his love for goody two shoes Sandy, who has been taken under the wing of The Pink Ladies lead by Rizzo (a far too old but sensational anyway Stockard Channing). Teen angst 50’s style, drag racing, a pregnancy scare, cameos by lots of classic stars and a load of good songs follow in this peppy adaptation of the Broadway hit. Raked in the bucks for months on original release then did it again when it was re-released to theatres for its 20th anniversary.

    1. I haven't seen Total Recall but I've seen the remake. I will get to it some day. Grease is good, but I really didn't like how Sandy was the one who converted for Danny. Then again, it might be akin to its time. I have yet to see the other Indiana Jones movies but I have seen that and the Crystal Skull installment; the latter gave me a headache.

  4. The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down is a classic. Love that film
